Secret Management using HashiCorp Vault Secrets Operator

Accessing and distributing secrets on Kubernetes

Solution Overview

Unlock the power of efficient secret management with the HashiCorp Vault Secrets Operator and Mirantis Kubernetes Engine. Replace manual updates and the risks of hardcoded secrets with automated secret synchronization. The Vault Secrets Operator monitors changes within HashiCorp Vault and instantly updates secrets in your cluster. It enforces rigorous security, ensuring secrets are always up-to-date and accessed only where explicitly permitted.

In the complex landscape of Kubernetes, the Vault Secrets Operator stands as a beacon of superior secret management, perfectly balancing security, efficiency, and automation. It’s the perfect secret management solution enforcing best practices by default.

The Vault Secrets Operator offers not just enhanced security but a smarter way to manage your secrets. Make your Mirantis Kubernetes Engine deployments robust, secure, and efficient. Experience the revolution in secret management with the HashiCorp Vault Secrets Operator.

Values Unlocked

Support for HashiCorp Vault’s dynamic secret engines

Kubernetes-native technology and way of managing secrets

HashiCorp Vault as vendor-neutral secret management solution

Works great with GitOps



How it Works

The HashiCorp Vault Secrets Operator provides a seamless bridge between HashiCorp Vault and Mirantis Kubernetes Engine. To start, the operator is deployed into your Kubernetes cluster, keeping an eye on Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs), which are essentially the representations of the Vault secrets in your Kubernetes environment.

When a new Vault secret definition (or a modification to an existing one), is created in Kubernetes, the operator kicks in. It communicates with the backing HashiCorp Vault, retrieving the specified secrets that correspond to the changes detected. These retrieved secrets then undergo a transformation. They are converted into Kubernetes secrets, primed and ready for consumption by your applications. This avoids the need for applications to directly access the Vault, easing application development and preventing a lock-in to Vault-specifics.

But what makes the Vault Secrets Operator truly remarkable is its continuous synchronization process. It doesn’t just perform a one-time transfer of secrets. Instead, it constantly monitors for changes to both the secret definitions in Kubernetes and the actual secrets stored in Vault. By establishing this automated, secure pipeline for secret management, the HashiCorp Vault Secrets Operator enhances the security and efficiency of your Kubernetes environment, minimizing manual intervention and maximizing consistency.

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