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Mirantis Secure Registry 3.1 brings Swarm support, easy backup management, and more

Eric Gregory - September 29, 2023

We’re proud to announce the general availability of Mirantis Secure Registry 3.1. This release brings features including Swarm support, automatic backup management, and exportable health metrics.

Swarm support

The preferred environment for Mirantis Secure Registry is Mirantis Kubernetes Engine, the enterprise orchestration platform that provides the option to run Kubernetes, Swarm, or both. 

For some teams using Swarm-only mode, it makes sense to use tooling without any Kubernetes dependence, reducing the software surface they need to secure. With this release, teams can run Mirantis Secure Registry 3.x on pure Swarm clusters, with no Kubernetes required. This also enables current users of Mirantis Secure Registry 2.9 to upgrade to 3.1 without needing to learn Kubernetes.

While Mirantis Kubernetes Engine is the preferred environment for Mirantis Secure Registry, the registry can be deployed on any Swarm implementation. Mirantis Secure Registry must be installed on an odd number of Swarm nodes, and it’s not recommended to run on a manager node. See the documentation for more details.

Automatic backups via API

Backup for resources like containers images and Helm charts is an important piece of disaster readiness and availability. 

With Mirantis Secure Registry 3.1, you can use the API to schedule automatic registry backups, with the option to create more granular backup schedules for daily, weekly, and monthly backups. Relevant API methods include…

GET​ /api​/v0​/meta​/settings​/backup - Read backup configuration

PUT​ /api​/v0​/meta​/settings​/backup - Update backup configuration

Methods include options for full and partial backups. These configurations can also be managed through the web UI. See the documentation for more details.

Exportable health metrics

You can now deploy a Prometheus server on your Kubernetes or Swarm cluster to capture key Mirantis Secure Registry health metrics. The metrics cover components including: 

  • Core registry functionality

  • Authentication

  • Push and pull mirroring

  • RethinkDB operations

To monitor and analyze these metrics, users deploy a Prometheus server to scrape the Mirantis Secure Registry metrics endpoint. With Prometheus and other tools, such as Grafana, users can create customized dashboards and configure alerts, enabling proactive monitoring of their Mirantis Secure Registry deployment.

Learn more

Check out the release notes for a complete list of enhancements, component updates, features, and more. Have questions about Mirantis Secure Registry? Contact us today.

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