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Short Update on Hardware Calculator for OpenStack

Kirill Ishanov - September 20, 2013

During the last couple of weeks we have been processing the feedback that we've collected from the initial launch of the Hardware BOM Calculator. Several vendors of both server and networking gear have contacted us to share their own recommendations on how to update our formula to be more accurate and we really appreciate the encouraging feedback so far.

In this interim release we've added the following functionality:

We've also realised that different configurations can be good for one thing and bad for other thing. This is not something that we can easily quantify, so we've decided to survey both vendors and those who are running existing OpenStack-based clouds to get their input and make this information publically available through the calculator.

In the upcoming release we plan to add the following features:

  • Tagging for servers ("good for" and "bad for"). Tags will represent qualities like density, performance, fragility, etc.
  • Recommendations on specific servers (including "Recommended by Mirantis" and "Recommended by vendor X" with experts' comments).
  • Configurations for controller nodes (both non-HA and HA mode).
  • (most requested feature) networking gear considerations.

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